Yes, you can definitely eat x calories of pure junk and still lose weight but its hard to sustain a running regimen on junk food once you've established a running schedule, just use that as your exercise to burn cals running typically burns 100-140 calories/mile i estimate @ 100 to be safe well, i did when i was trying to lose weight. Losing weight from running reddit. The potential to lose weight by running or cycling depends on how you participate in the sport and how you combine it with healthy eating and other habits while running does burn more calories on.
losing weight from running reddit
Any exercise is good exercise, but when it comes to losing weight, it’s hard to beat running here is your complete guide to how and why running can be the best choice for weight loss. I believe the best way to lose weight is in a way that is a sustainable lifestyle. losing weight is not easy, but it can be easier to keep it off of you take your time getting it off. edit: because reddit is reddit, do what works for you because you're unique. the slow route is great in my opinion, which i said. just do you.. I started swimming and it dropped to 185. added spinning and it dropped to 175. added running and it dropped another 20 pounds to 155. this took me 6 months. i'm currently a very stable and fit 150, and can eat anything i want. running is the bomb for losing weight!.
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