Your calorie intake is always going to be the most important part of your diet regardless of whether you want to lose fat, build muscle/gain weight or simply maintain your current weight since macro-nutrients are what provide these calories, your macros will need to be calculated based on what your ideal calorie intake is. Lose weight build muscle macros. To build muscle while staying lean and in shape, just counting calories isn’t enough we also need to make sure our calories comes from the right sources for example 100 calories from a cup of fat free greek yogurt and 100 calories from a pack of candy will affect our bodies very differently.
lose weight build muscle macros
Conclusion: macros for fat loss if your current goal is to lose weight, it’s smart to focus on both calories and macros for optimal results cutting calories drives weight loss, while fine-tuning your macros helps ensure you lose fat rather than muscle. When you strike the right balance between these macros – and are aware of overall calorie consumption - you can either effectively build muscle, maintain weight or lose fat. 1/ protein. The macros inc muscle gain calculator this calculator provides an accurate estimate for how many calories to eat for muscle gain, as well as guides for how much protein, carbohydrates, and fat to eat. use the form below to get started! step 1: calculate your macros for muscle gain..
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